The Foundation for Science and Technology holds events approximately monthly on areas where science, technology and innovation interact with policy and regulation. The following list sets out dates that we hope to hold events. Of course plans can change but we hope that this is a helpful list to enable people to plan ahead to attend. When events are confirmed, details will appear on the event page of the website.

All events are at 6pm unless indicated otherwise.


29 January [London] - Governing AI for Humanity - What is needed globally and in the UK?
24 February [London] - The role of S&T in ensuring the UK's supply of Critical Minerals
26 March [London] - TBC
16 April [London] - TBC
07 May [London] - TBC
21 May [London] - TBC
11 June [London] - TBC
15 July [London] - TBC
08 October [London] - TBC
21 October [London] - TBC
12 November [London] - TBC
26 November [London] - TBC
03 December [London] - TBC
10 December [London] - TBC

1. We are also hoping to hold events in Edinburgh, Belfast and Bradford in 2025. More details to follow.
2. Where two dates for London events are shown in a given month, it is likely that we will use only one.


28 January [London] - TBC
04 February [London] - TBC
25 February [London] - TBC
18 March [London] - TBC
29 April [London] - TBC
13 May [London] - TBC
30 May [London] - TBC
17 June [London] - TBC
08 July [London] - TBC
07 October [London] - TBC
21 October [London] - TBC
04 November [London] - TBC
25 November [London] - TBC
02 December [London] - TBC
09 December [London] - TBC

1. We are also hoping to hold at least three events outside London in 2026. More details to follow.
2. Where two dates for London events are shown in a given month, it is likely that we will use only one.