The Foundation welcomes organisations who wish to subscribe as members, without whom it could not continue its work. There are two types of membership; Learned and Professional Society Membership and Associate Membership. 

The Foundation would welcome new members of either type, and forms are available here for people to subscribe, after which an invoice will be issued. We would be delighted to speak to any organisations considering membership, as follows:

  • For Learned and Professional Society Membership, Lori Frecker (, 020 7321 2220)
  • For Associate Membership, Gavin Costigan (, 020 7321 2220)

Subscription for Learned and Professional Society Membership

This type of membership is for Learned and Professional Societies, who wish to receive the quarterly Learned and Professional Societies Newsletter, and have access to the guidance notes and expertise provided by the Foundation's Learned and Professional Societies officer, Lori Frecker. An annual networking luncheon is also oganised for Learned and Professional Societies each year.

Download Learned Societies membership form (24.8KB)

Subscription for Associate Membership

This type of membership is open to any organisation interested in the Foundation's work discussing issues of science, technology and innovation across Parliamentary, governmental, industry and research stakeholders. Associate Member support enables us to host events, publish the Journal, produce the podcast and maintain an active social media presence. Associate Members receive invitations to attend all the dinner discussion events run by the Foundation free of charge. They also receive copies of the FST Journal, and are listed as supporters of the Foundation on all event programmes and in copies of the FST Journal.

Download Associate Membership form (23.5KB)