We welcome blogs on issues across Science, Technology, Research and Innovation, and on the activities of the Foundation. To publish a blog on this site, please email Gavin Costigan (gavin.costigan@foundation.org.uk).

Note: The Foundation for Science and Technology is strictly neutral. Any views expressed in these blogs are those of the authors and not of the Foundation.

Sharing expertise and best practice more widely

As the proliferation of views, all claiming to be authoritative, has grown over time, so has the need for trustworthy analysis and verification of facts. As guardians of expertise and best practice, Learned and Professional Societies can play a key role in this.

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An atom’s eye view inside materials: from cells to circuit boards, and meteorites to magnets

The UK’s ISIS neutron and muon source has welcomed over 60,000 scientists since it began operations in 1984. The variety of ISIS research is demonstrated in this blog through the perspective of three ISIS scientists who have been fellows of the Foundation Future Leaders (FFL) programme.

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The Rise of AI: Opportunities and risks

AI is revolutionising our world offering incredible opportunities while posing significant risks. This blog investigates the opportunities of an AI driven society and how to mitigate the risks associated.

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The Silman Fund - Supporting diversity at our events

In the spirit of widening participation to our events, The Foundation is launching 'The Silman Fund'. Our CEO, Gavin Costigan explores how it works and why it is important.

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Selling Less of the Family Silver: the Key Challenge for Industrial Policy

The Industrial Strategy Green Paper, with its strong sectoral approach, represents a vital opportunity to revitalise the UK economy. But it has nothing to say about the key barrier to achieving this, the early trade sale of many of our most promising science and technology based companies to foreign corporations, and the truncation of further entrepreneurial growth in the UK.

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Changing how we think about ageing: Joining up medical sciences, social sciences and the humanities

Achieving attitudinal change to ageing would have far-reaching implications for how we retire, treat and care for older people, fund research and care, and understand intergenerational relations.

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Building bridges between schools and employers

This is the story of a smart 15-year-old girl who used to want to be a scientist. Let’s call her Amra. Her science lessons tend to be full of facts to memorise without time to understand and few opportunities to do hands-on experiments. She has never visited a workplace and the engineer who visited the school two years ago switched her off because he pitched his talk too high. What can be done to build bridges between the school and employers to help unlock the potential of students like Amra and plug the skills gap?

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A voice from the Government

As an organisation whose mission it is to bring science and technology together with policy, in a neutral space, it is key to have a Government spokesperson on board every now and then. In this blog, we have handpicked several evening discussions where a Government Chief Scientific Adviser has joined our panel to help us unpick some topical issues of the time.

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A call for action and a roadmap for the new UK government to support the digital commons

The new Labour UK government can strengthen the country’s digital sovereignty and deliver cost-effective and ethical solutions to the public sector by supporting open source software and digital commons. In this blog, the authors (on behalf of the Digital Commons Policy Council) set out a possible roadmap to supporting digital commons.

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Research Integrity: a current view from Wellcome

What is research integrity, why should we care about it, and what is the UK doing in this area - just a few of the issues explored by Anne Taylor in this blog.

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