The issue of skills has been discussed regularly over the years at the Foundation for Science and Technology, and with rapidly changing technological and work environments it remains a critical issue. In this event, we focussed on preparing the next generation for a technological life and examined the roles of schools and FE colleges in contributing to post-16 technical education. The meeting discussed topics such as University Technical Colleges, T-Levels and industry placements, as well as the wider profile of Further Education.
The meeting was held at the Royal Society on 22 February 2023, bringing together: Professor Bill Lucas, Director of the Centre for Real World Learning at the University of Winchester; Nancy Buckley, Group Director, Business Development at Activate Learning; Sharmen Ibrahim, Group Director, Digital Education at Activate Learning; Ella Podmore MBE, Senior Materials Engineer at McLaren Automotive Ltd; and Phil Smith CBE, Chairman of IQE, Chair of Digital Skills Partnership and former Chair and CEO of Cisco UK.
A video recording, presentation slides and speaker audio from the event are available on the FST website: