Building Careers and Skills in Science and Technology for National and Global Challenges

  • November 8, 2024 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • The Exchange, University of Birmingham, and online
Final Programme (222.6KB)

This event is was designed for early- to mid-career professionals whose roles in some way involve science, technology, innnovation and research, and drawn from the civil and public sectors; from industry; and from the wider research community. During the course of the day there were plenary sessions, breakout discussions and plenty of networking opportunities.

A report of the Conference is being prepared.

The event was held in the University of Birmingham, and we are incredibly grateful for their support. It was also available online as a Zoom webinar.

Professor Sarah Sharples
Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Transport
Jennifer Hindson
Marine Climate Change Policy Delivery Manager, Scottish Government [Session 1 Chair]
Dr Stephen Hendry
Programme Manager Socioeconomic Inclusion, Royal Society of Chemistry
Dannielle Croucher
Policy Lead for Skills and Talent, National Centre for Universities and Business
Dr Billy Bryan
Evaluation and Research Leader, RAND Europe
Michelle Hackett
Head of International Fisheries Science, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [Session 2 Chair]
Professor Christopher Smith
UKRI International Champion and Executive Chair of AHRC
Professor Marika Taylor
Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Birmingham
Alex Hale
Technology Programme Manager, National Composites Centre
Dr Geoffrey Neale,
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and Lecturer, Cranfield University

University of Birmingham
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

This discussion appeared in the FST journal below.

The Journal for The Foundation for Science and Technology with a guest editorial on the Future of National Infrastructure by Professor Jim Hall FREng. This edition covers Quantum Technologies- from research to reality, devolved S&T budgets with a focus on the Liverpool region, The Foundation Future Leaders 2024 Conference all about future proofing skills and careers, and a special Q&A session with Professor Dame Angela McLean.

Volume 23, Issue 10