Critical Minerals – how can science and technology help deliver the UK Strategy?

  • February 24, 2025 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly London, W1J 0BG

Modern developments in electronics, batteries, electric vehicles and other technologies depend on certain critical minerals. There is a global race for these minerals as demand across the world rises, and the UK Government’s Critical Minerals strategy sets out this country will ensure sufficient supply to meet UK needs going forward. Science and technology can make a major contribution to delivering the strategy, from more efficient extraction, effective and commercially viable recycling and new materials. This in turn is leading to new commercial opportunities. In this event, we will discuss the UK strategy, and explore how science, technology and innovation can help deliver it.

This event is being jointly organised by the Foundation for Science and Technology, the Geological Society, and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The Rt Hon the Lord Willetts FRS [Chair]
Chair, The Foundation for Science and Technology
Professor Paul Monks
Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Energy Security and Net Zero
Dr Gavin Mudd
Director, Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre , British Geological Survey
Dr Sarah Gordon
Chief Executive Officer, Satarla , and Co-Director of the Rio Tinto Centre for Future Materials, Imperial College
Professor Emma Kendrick
Chair of Energy Materials, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham

The Geological Society
The Royal Society of Chemistry