Lord Jenkin of Roding: Science and technology in a successful economy
Professor Christopher Whitty: An integrated campaign around a focussed target
Dr Ripley Ballou: Learning the lessons of the Ebola outbreak
Dr Oliver Johnson: A view from the frontline
Sir Mark Walport: Bridging the gap between scientific and value judgements
Professor Angela McLean: Policies can change as evidenceevolves
John Pullinger: Creating trust in the statistics that underpin decision-making
Lord Hennessy: The Haldane Principle – an historical perspective
Lord Rees: Adapting Haldane for the 21st century
David Willetts: Balancing good science with good government
Professor Duncan Wingham: The challenge of environmental research
Professor Simon Pollard: The business of the environment
Lord Oxburgh: Balancing resource extraction and environmental protection
Sir David King: An Apollo programme for renewable cost reduction
Dr Bernie Bulkin: Making the most of opportunities
Ed Heartney: New technologies for a low-carbon future
You can view a full listing of our journals on the journal listing page.