Racism is present in science and technology in the UK, as it is across many areas of society. A number of reports in recent years have illustrated the issues, including those from the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Wellcome Trust. The Foundation wanted to explore the current situation and ask some difficult questions. What is the nature and scale of the problem? What is the lived experience of Black scientists in the UK? What actions are already being taken to address the issues? What more needs to be done?
The Foundation held an event on 7 December 2022 at the Royal Society in London, bringing together: Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience, University College London; Sigourney Bonner, Co-founder of Black in Cancer and a PhD student at Cancer Research UK; Dr Karen Salt, Deputy Director for Research Culture & Environment, UKRI; and Dr Ale Palermo, Head of Global Inclusion, Royal Society of Chemistry.
A video recording, presentation slides and speaker audio from the event are available on the FST website: www.foundation.org.uk/Events/2022/Black-Scientists-Tackling-Racism-in-UK-S-T