We welcome blogs on issues across Science, Technology, Research and Innovation, and on the activities of the Foundation. To publish a blog on this site, please email Gavin Costigan (gavin.costigan@foundation.org.uk).

Note: The Foundation for Science and Technology is strictly neutral. Any views expressed in these blogs are those of the authors and not of the Foundation.

When College Closed

Key aspects of the classroom teaching experience are lost when learning is transferred online. Stephen Webster explores what the transition to online teaching meant for his Science Communication students.

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Studying for a Masters degree during a pandemic

How has Covid-19 impacted Masters students? Alana Cullen explores the ways in which postgraduate students have been supported by universities during the pandemic, and the effect Covid-19 will have on next years students.

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Innovation can drive our economic recovery

What policy changes do we need to make now to support and deliver an innovation lead economic recovery? Jon Elliott discusses how to make the UK a key centre for research and development.

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Overcoming barriers to climate actions

What action can we take as individuals to help reduce the impact of climate change? Ellen Taylor explores the factors that impact environmental concern, and how policy-makers could help overcome them.

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Intergenerational Justice and the Coronavirus Pandemic

What do the previous generation owe to the next? Patrick McHugh discusses how the baby boomers can act now to support future generations.

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Can digital transformation help the UK’s economic recovery after lockdown?

How can businesses adapt to survive after months of lockdown? JT Jassen writes about how businesses can effectively digitally transform, and how the National Physical Laboratory can help support this transformation.

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A New ‘Sustainable’ Normal

Covid-19 is highlighting the structural changes society needs for a new, greener economy. Alana Cullen discusses how to achieve a sustainable future, we have to maintain some the changes made under lockdown.

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The Daphne Jackson Trust - staying focused in challenging times

Charities have had to adapt quickly during COVID-19, but they continue to provide invaluable opportunities. Katie Perry writes about the role of the Daphne Jackson Trust in helping people return to STEM careers after a career break.

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Is lockdown bad for children's mental health?

Lockdown doesn't just effect physical health, but mental health too. Professor Helen Dodd explores the consequences of lockdown on children's mental health, and how to encourage play at home.

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Time waits for no-one: mitigating climate change through solar geoengineering

Scientists have been working on solar geoengineering technologies that could mitigate some of the effects of climate change, but these technologies come at a cost. Alana Cullen discusses the benefits and issues of geoengineering as a tool in climate mitigation.

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