In the FST podcast, weekly one to one interviews allow a more in depth discussion of both topics being explored in Foundation events, and one-off discussions with senior figures across science, research, technology and innovation. It's available here, and can also be accessed on the main podcast hosting platforms.

We would welcome ideas for potential podcast topics or interviewees - please contact Gavin Costigan (

Filter: Year 2025

What does equity and diversity look like in STEM? - Lauren Thomas-Seale and Sam Islam

In this episode, we are discussing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in careers in science and technology. To explore some of the issues and where things could be improved are two members of the Foundation Future Leaders cohort of 2024. They are: Dr Lauren Thomas-Seale, Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham and Sam Islam, Systems Engineering Consultant at the Energy Systems Catapult.

Opportunities and regulation of AI - Yann Sweeney

In this podcast, we are in conversation with Yann Sweeney, Senior Editor for Computing and Robotics at Nature. We discuss recent developments in AI, how the UK and other countries are pursuing the opportunities it brings, and current developments in the area of regulation.

Wendy Jarrett - Understanding animal testing in the UK

This week, our guest is Wendy Jarrett, Chief Executive of Understanding Animal Research. She discusses how, when, and why animals are used in research in the UK, along with the regulations governing this practice. Additionally, she addresses the controversies surrounding animal research and its future.