The Foundation for Science and Technology publishes the FST Journal three times per year, with articles based on the main evening events held by the Foundation. The Journal is distributed to over 1500 senior influencers in Government, Parliament, industry and the research community, as well as being published online. It is edited by Dr Dougal Goodman OBE FREng, Vice-President of the Foundation.

ISSN 1475-1704 (Print)
ISSN 2756-0619 (Online)

  • June 2016

Volume 21, Issue 9

In this issue of FST journal, there are articles on Brexit, data, valuing finance and insurance sectors and fixing bias due to gender in grant allocation.

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  • March 2016

Volume 21, Issue 7

This issue of FST Journal reports on debates on the Nurse Review, business/university partnerships, closing the UK/US productivity gap and the future of the Arctic.

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  • July 2015

Volume 21, Issue 6

This issue of FST Journal has reports of debates on the Ebola outbreak, science and values, the Haldane principle, environmental research and renewable energy.

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  • March 2015

Volume 21, Issue 5

Debate reports published on the new science and innovation strategy, the Hauser Review of Catapults, innovation in Scotland and transport resilience in this issue of FST Journal.

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  • July 2014

Volume 21, Issue 4

Debate reports published on marine technology, bovine tuberculosis, agricultural and food productivity, antimicrobrial resistance, UK/China research partnerships and climate change are published in this issue of FST Journal.

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Issue 21-3 Reports on debates on communicating the uncertainty of risk estimates, stimulating regional growth, contribution of the engineering learned societies, increasing digitial pariticipation, the economics of decarbonisation and prioritising research.

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  • October 2013

Volume 21, Issue 2

Volume 21 Number 2 of the journal contains reports of meetings on open access and open data, future cities, the Armitt review of infrastructure and the celebration of the centenary of the Medical Research Council.

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Volume 21 Number 1 of the FST Journal includes an editorial by George Freeman MP on agri-tech, and reports of debates on scientific advice to government, industrial strategy, the contribution of mid-sized businesses to the economy and two lectures.

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  • December 2012

Volume 20, Issue 10

The FST Journal Volume 20 Number 10 reports on debates on energy supply options, social media, mental health and the NHS, the challenge of dementia and enterprise and innovation in Scotland.

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  • July 2012

Volume 20, Issue 9

This issue of FST Journal includes reports of debates on making science work with Sir Paul Nurse, Sir John Beddington on food security, and Andy Haldane from the Bank of England on failure of the bank system.

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